Friday, April 13, 2012

Bleeding Heart Flower

It's spring, and though I have a brown thumb, I was in a gardening mood.  So on Holy Thursday, I headed to my local Lowe's to look for a perennial plant that would grow in the shady bed near our front porch.  This beautiful bleeding heart flower caught my eye since it reminded me of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.  I bought it on Holy Thursday and planted it on Good Friday.  I'm hoping that it will serve as a permanent reminder of Jesus' sacrifice for us. 

Lord Jesus Christ, Your Heart still cherishes all the redeemed and is moved to pity for every human need. Aware of Your invitation, "Come to Me," we pray for the afflicted, the sick, the confused, for all broken hearts, and shattered lives. We bring to You all their material, emotional, and spiritual needs as well as our own. By the love that led You to take flesh of the Virgin Mary, we plead for a favorable response to our prayers.